

The Human Microbiome
4 years ago

The Human Microbiome

The largest numbers of organisms are found in the small and large intestines but also throughout the body, brain, blood, and skin. The microbiome is labeled a supporting organ because …
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The Role of Nutrition in Immune Health 
4 years ago

The Role of Nutrition in Immune Health 

An “activated” immune system further increases the demand for energy during periods of infection, with greater basal energy expenditure during fever for example. Thus, optimal nutrition for the best immunological …
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Understanding Immune Defense
4 years ago

Understanding Immune Defense

Our environments have many threats including potentially damaging molecules therefore the immune system represents a survival interface managed by a complex and particular system of organs, tissues, cells, and signaling …
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Probiotics 101
5 years ago

Probiotics 101

Keeping the resident population of bacteria and other microbes in our intestinal tract balanced and beneficial is essential for good health, especially during and after taking a course of antibiotics. …
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Meet The Poisons In Your Food
5 years ago

Meet The Poisons In Your Food

The naked motto is, know the food you eat, and eat the food you know. This is, unfortunately, a partial list of dangerous poisons found in our food:

Meet Petroleum. …
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GMO Potato Moved To High-Risk List
6 years ago

GMO Potato Moved To High-Risk List

The potato has been added to the High-Risk list of the Non-GMO Project Standard because a GMO potato variety is now “widely commercially available” in the United States. To determine …
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Calcium: Plant vs. Dairy
7 years ago

Calcium: Plant vs. Dairy

The number one source of calcium in the standard American diet is dairy products. The number one source of saturated fat, however, is also dairy products. Dairy products also constitute …
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Bone Broth and Magic Beans
7 years ago

Bone Broth and Magic Beans

We are, it seems, unendingly as enthusiastic about dietary magic du jour as ever Jack was about his beans. And now it turns out that we have something else in …
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Nursery Fields Forever: Farming Preschool Would Teach Kids How to Grow Their Own Food
7 years ago

Nursery Fields Forever: Farming Preschool Would Teach Kids How to Grow Their Own Food


A few clever Italians have come up with an amazing proposal, and their design of an innovative nursery school just won them the AWR International Ideas Competition award. Their project, …
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Organic Meats Are Not Health Foods
7 years ago

Organic Meats Are Not Health Foods

So-called organic meats are sold as a means for people to reduce their exposure to hormones and chemical toxins. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) states that animals raised …
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Turin To Become Italy’s First “Vegan City”
7 years ago

Turin To Become Italy’s First “Vegan City”

Turin’s new Five Star Movement mayor, Chiara Appendino, presented her new council’s five-year political programme last year, which included plans to reduce the amount of animal products eaten in the …
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Obesity as Disease
8 years ago

Obesity as Disease

There is a certain irony in the nearly immediate juxtaposition of the rare introduction of a new FDA-approved drug for weight loss (Belviq) to the marketplace, and the recognition of …
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The Fish Tale of Omega 3s
8 years ago

The Fish Tale of Omega 3s

Well, the common mythology is that in response to anecdotal reports of a low prevalence of coronary heart disease among the Inuit people, Danish researchers Bang and Dyerberg traveled to …
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Naked Food Interview with Kristen Bell
8 years ago

Naked Food Interview with Kristen Bell

Kristen (a vegetarian since age 11) and her husband Dax (ex-carnivore), turned into plant-based eaters after watching the documentary, Forks Over Knives. “It’s more about the health benefits than the …
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Plant-based Diets for Children: Right from the Start
8 years ago

Plant-based Diets for Children: Right from the Start

Children raised on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes grow up to be slimmer and healthier and even live longer than their meat-eating friends. It is much easier to build …
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Raising Children On A Plant-based Diet
8 years ago

Raising Children On A Plant-based Diet

I am often asked about raising children who consume a strict plant-based diet. Here are some common questions, followed by my answers.

Q. Do children who are raised on a …
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12 Best Sources of Plant-Based Protein
8 years ago

12 Best Sources of Plant-Based Protein

People have been led to believe that protein is such an essential nutrient that one must actively pursue foods that contain high amounts of it, even when those foods, such …
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10 Reasons We Don’t Need GM Foods
9 years ago

10 Reasons We Don’t Need GM Foods

By Claire Robinson, MPhil, Michael Antoniou, PhD, and John Fagan, PhD for the Non-GMO Project

1. GM crops do not increase yield potential

Genetically modified (GM) crops do not increase …
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Naked Food Spotlight: Legumes
10 years ago

Naked Food Spotlight: Legumes

Legumes are abundant in soluble fiber, a property that lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels. With a low glycemic index, beans contain a remarkable blend of complex carbohydrates and protein. About …
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Naked Food Spotlight: Nuts
11 years ago

Naked Food Spotlight: Nuts

*People with advanced heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes should substantially limit (4-5 nuts a day max.) or entirely avoid the consumption of nuts and oils. 

Weight loss
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The True Fight Against Breast Cancer
11 years ago

The True Fight Against Breast Cancer

Women are terrified of breast cancer, and unfortunately, the cancer industry uses that fear to motivate women to agree to get mammograms. Women are told that the key to a …
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Does GMO equal IBS?
11 years ago

Does GMO equal IBS?

Genetically Engineered Foods could be the root cause of your digestive disorder.

If you are one of the approximately 70 million Americans who suffer from a chronic digestive issue, then …
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The Pursuit of Nakedness
11 years ago

The Pursuit of Nakedness

It seems we’re always in the pursuit of something.  Life, work, family, and relationships are all part of our existence.  They are also the foundation and a reflection of who …
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Italian Bean Balls
11 years ago

Italian Bean Balls

Recipe type: Naked! Low fat, Whole Food, Plant-based, Vegan, Organic, Sustainable.

Approved for: Diabetes, Cancer, Heart disease, High Cholesterol, Weight Loss, Athletics, Optimum Health.

Free of: Animals, Eggs, Dairy …
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Addictive By Design: Junk Food
11 years ago

Addictive By Design: Junk Food

I almost joined Michael Moss, the Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times journalist whose work on addictive junk food recently graced the cover of the paper’s magazine, on MSNBC’s Morning Joe
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The Benefits Of A Plantiful Pregnancy
11 years ago

The Benefits Of A Plantiful Pregnancy

Your diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding will influence your baby’s taste for foods when solids are introduced. Another benefit of optimal nutrition is that you will be in great shape …
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Blood Detoxifying + Alkalizing + Cancer Preventing Smoothie
11 years ago

Blood Detoxifying + Alkalizing + Cancer Preventing Smoothie

The benefits of this smoothie are endless. Here are just some of the reasons why we love it.

Benefits of Kale: High in iron. Per calorie, kale has more …
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Naked Recipe: No-bake Cacao + Goji Super Cookies
11 years ago

Naked Recipe: No-bake Cacao + Goji Super Cookies

Preparation time: 10 min. Cooking time: 8 min*. Yield: 25 servings. Recipe developed by the Naked Food Chefs.


  • 2 cups oats
  • 3 organic bananas
  • ½ cup coconut, shredded

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Casein and Cancer
11 years ago

Casein and Cancer

Many studies, including a 2009 paper available in the National Institutes of Health library, have concluded that consumption of dairy products may be linked to breast cancer.

1.  “Casein, which …
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Seaweed: Super-wise Your Meals
11 years ago

Seaweed: Super-wise Your Meals

Forget the super-size and move towards “super-wise” dining. When it comes to sea veggies, size definitely does not matter.  If you are looking to add superfoods that pack a real …
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Naked Recipe: Quinoa Pear Pecan Salad
11 years ago

Naked Recipe: Quinoa Pear Pecan Salad

This is an easy yet full of protein recipe suitable for anyone! Enjoy! Chefs’ Note: If you suffer from heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or have a nut …
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Kids + Kale – And ways to make them love it
11 years ago

Kids + Kale – And ways to make them love it

What? Is she serious? Kids and Kale? (Yup, I’d be thinking the same thing you probably are right now). Oh yeah, and Spinach and Chard and the list of every …
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Naked Recipe: Bulgur + Garbanzo Flair
11 years ago

Naked Recipe: Bulgur + Garbanzo Flair

Recipe developed by the Naked Food Chefs.

In addition to being a high alkalinity seed, quinoa has protein, fiber, and a great variety of nutrients. Yep, it’s actually a seed. …
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Smoothies: Sipping your way back to health
11 years ago

Smoothies: Sipping your way back to health

When we talk about smoothies, we are referring to the action of blending whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, seeds, herbs, and nuts in a high power blender.  Blending is …
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7 Reasons to live naked
11 years ago

7 Reasons to live naked

The World Health Organization has determined that dietary factors account for at least 30 percent of all cancers in Western countries and up to 20 percent in developing …
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Eight Must-Knows For Avoiding GMO
11 years ago

Eight Must-Knows For Avoiding GMO

1. GMOs Can Enter Your Food Supply in Many Ways Genetically modified organisms (GMO) entered our food supply nearly 20 years ago, coinciding with the beginning of the astounding decline …
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Seven Wonders of the Beet World
12 years ago

Seven Wonders of the Beet World

As a vegetarian I’m always keen to find out how I can maximize vitamin/mineral intake within my diet. So after speaking with an acupuncturist about improving my blood circulation and …
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5 Flu Fighting Foods Your Kids Will Love
12 years ago

5 Flu Fighting Foods Your Kids Will Love

Flu season is best navigated by a good dose of common sense and a good helping of nutritive foods to keep you and your family healthy. As a family holistic …
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10 tips to eating less meat and dairy – and sticking with it
12 years ago

10 tips to eating less meat and dairy – and sticking with it

Most people are surprised when I tell them that I have never eaten meat in my life.  I was raised without it and never had an interest in eating meat …
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8 Things You Didn’t Know About Starch
12 years ago

8 Things You Didn’t Know About Starch

1. All large populations of trim, healthy people, throughout verifiable human history, have obtained the bulk of their calories from starch. Examples of once-thriving people include Japanese, Chinese, and other …
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McCartney: Meat Free Monday to help the planet
12 years ago

McCartney: Meat Free Monday to help the planet

Everything we do, take, eat, or buy has a carbon footprint, and therefore an impact on climate change. Food production is, in fact, a major contributor. Agriculture as a whole …
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Labels Matter! We have the right to know
12 years ago

Labels Matter! We have the right to know

Naked Food Magazine supports the Just Label It Campaign and the right to know what’s in our food.

Studies show that more than 90% of Americans support mandatory labeling …
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REVOLT! vs. Hydrogenated Oils
12 years ago

REVOLT! vs. Hydrogenated Oils

THE REASON: The consumption of hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils (also called trans fatty acids) is a cause of diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease.

THE WORST: Canola oil.  Why? It’s …
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20 Common Foods with High Antioxidant Levels
12 years ago

20 Common Foods with High Antioxidant Levels

So how about those antioxidants?  What are they and how do they affect us?  Antioxidants are substances that may protect cells from the damage caused by unstable molecules known as …
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