
About David Katz M.D.

David L. Katz MD, MPH, FACPM, FACP, is the founding director of Yale University’s Prevention Research Center. He is a two-time diplomate of the American Board of Internal Medicine, a board-certified specialist in Preventive Medicine/Public Health, and a clinical instructor in medicine at the Yale School of Medicine. Dr. Katz is also a contributor and Advisory Board Member of Naked Food Magazine.
Latest Posts | By David Katz M.D.
Bone Broth and Magic Beans
7 years ago

Bone Broth and Magic Beans

We are, it seems, unendingly as enthusiastic about dietary magic du jour as ever Jack was about his beans. And now it turns out that we have something else in …
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Taste Bud Rehab
7 years ago

Taste Bud Rehab

A study published online in the journal Archives of Disease in Childhood indicates that obese children and adolescents, as compared to their lean counterparts, have less sensitive taste buds.  The …
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Obesity as Disease
8 years ago

Obesity as Disease

There is a certain irony in the nearly immediate juxtaposition of the rare introduction of a new FDA-approved drug for weight loss (Belviq) to the marketplace, and the recognition of …
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Addictive By Design: Junk Food
11 years ago

Addictive By Design: Junk Food

I almost joined Michael Moss, the Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times journalist whose work on addictive junk food recently graced the cover of the paper’s magazine, on MSNBC’s Morning Joe
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