
Obesity / Weight Loss

No more Diets: The Secret to Permanent Weight Control
7 years ago

No more Diets: The Secret to Permanent Weight Control

Many people believe that to lose weight they must go on a low-calorie diet. That often means starving oneself until the diet is no longer tolerable. Other people believe that …
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Taste Bud Rehab
7 years ago

Taste Bud Rehab

A study published online in the journal Archives of Disease in Childhood indicates that obese children and adolescents, as compared to their lean counterparts, have less sensitive taste buds.  The …
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Obesity as Disease
8 years ago

Obesity as Disease

There is a certain irony in the nearly immediate juxtaposition of the rare introduction of a new FDA-approved drug for weight loss (Belviq) to the marketplace, and the recognition of …
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Dr. McDougall’s 10 Favorite One-Liners
8 years ago

Dr. McDougall’s 10 Favorite One-Liners

We live in a world of witty one-liners and sound bites, which I find useful for conveying my dietary messages. I suggest that people keep repeating them over and over …
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Best diet for weight loss?
9 years ago

Best diet for weight loss?

A vegetarian dietary pattern may be the most effective for weight loss, according to a meta-analysis published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine. Researchers at Harvard, in conjunction with …
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The True Fight Against Breast Cancer
11 years ago

The True Fight Against Breast Cancer

Women are terrified of breast cancer, and unfortunately, the cancer industry uses that fear to motivate women to agree to get mammograms. Women are told that the key to a …
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Naked Food Spotlight: Leafy Greens
11 years ago

Naked Food Spotlight: Leafy Greens

Dark leafy green vegetables have an extraordinary amount of antioxidants and health promoting nutrients with very few calories. Eating dark green leafy vegetables on a regular basis can provide anti-aging …
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Blood Detoxifying + Alkalizing + Cancer Preventing Smoothie
11 years ago

Blood Detoxifying + Alkalizing + Cancer Preventing Smoothie

The benefits of this smoothie are endless. Here are just some of the reasons why we love it.

Benefits of Kale: High in iron. Per calorie, kale has more …
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Casein and Cancer
11 years ago

Casein and Cancer

Many studies, including a 2009 paper available in the National Institutes of Health library, have concluded that consumption of dairy products may be linked to breast cancer.

1.  “Casein, which …
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Seaweed: Super-wise Your Meals
11 years ago

Seaweed: Super-wise Your Meals

Forget the super-size and move towards “super-wise” dining. When it comes to sea veggies, size definitely does not matter.  If you are looking to add superfoods that pack a real …
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Smoothies: Sipping your way back to health
11 years ago

Smoothies: Sipping your way back to health

When we talk about smoothies, we are referring to the action of blending whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, seeds, herbs, and nuts in a high power blender.  Blending is …
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10 tips to eating less meat and dairy – and sticking with it
12 years ago

10 tips to eating less meat and dairy – and sticking with it

Most people are surprised when I tell them that I have never eaten meat in my life.  I was raised without it and never had an interest in eating meat …
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5 Tips For a Non-Toxic Lifestyle
12 years ago

5 Tips For a Non-Toxic Lifestyle

1. BUY ORGANIC! Organic foods have significantly fewer synthetic chemicals plus more nutrients! Healthy plants and animals will help you be healthy too.  Avoid refined sugars, processed foods (especially canned …
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8 Things You Didn’t Know About Starch
12 years ago

8 Things You Didn’t Know About Starch

1. All large populations of trim, healthy people, throughout verifiable human history, have obtained the bulk of their calories from starch. Examples of once-thriving people include Japanese, Chinese, and other …
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REVOLT! vs. Hydrogenated Oils
12 years ago

REVOLT! vs. Hydrogenated Oils

THE REASON: The consumption of hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils (also called trans fatty acids) is a cause of diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease.

THE WORST: Canola oil.  Why? It’s …
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Phytochemicals And Reversing Disease
12 years ago

Phytochemicals And Reversing Disease

Phytochemicals are natural compounds found in fruits and vegetables. They are substances that don’t fall within any other categories – they are not vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, fats or minerals.  Their …
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20 Common Foods with High Antioxidant Levels
12 years ago

20 Common Foods with High Antioxidant Levels

So how about those antioxidants?  What are they and how do they affect us?  Antioxidants are substances that may protect cells from the damage caused by unstable molecules known as …
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