
Status Quo

Simply Orange Juice Class Action for Synthetic ‘Forever Chemicals’
1 year ago

Simply Orange Juice Class Action for Synthetic ‘Forever Chemicals’

A proposed class action lawsuit against Simply Tropical juice for harmful synthetic substances known as PFOAs or “forever chemicals.”
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The Naked Truth: Interview with T. Colin Campbell, PhD.
3 years ago

The Naked Truth: Interview with T. Colin Campbell, PhD.

***The Naked Truth is presented by Naked Food TV***

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Interview with T. Colin Campbell, PhD on wholism …
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Face Mask Ban in Italy, Spain, Sweden, Due to Ineffectiveness
3 years ago

Face Mask Ban in Italy, Spain, Sweden, Due to Ineffectiveness


  • Italy, Spain, Sweden have requested immediate withdrawal of several types of masks or have prohibited their use due to ineffectiveness
  • A number of US States have lifted their …
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The Naked Truth: Interview with Andrew Kaufman, MD.
4 years ago

The Naked Truth: Interview with Andrew Kaufman, MD.

***The Naked Truth is presented by Naked Food TV***

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Dr. Andrew Kaufman Interview links and sources

On …
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The Naked Truth with Dr. Pamela Popper
4 years ago

The Naked Truth with Dr. Pamela Popper

***The Naked Truth is presented by Naked Food TV***

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Dr. Pam Popper’s Interview links and sources Guidance …
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Health Status and the Role of Nutrition on SARS-CoV-2 / Covid-19
4 years ago

Health Status and the Role of Nutrition on SARS-CoV-2 / Covid-19

The vast majority of cases in China — 87% — were in people ages 30 to 79, the China Center for Disease Control reported In February of 2020, based on data from …
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Slaughtering The Amazon
5 years ago

Slaughtering The Amazon

In the Fall 2019 issue of Naked Food Magazine, we are addressing the burning fires in the Amazon and the real cause for this problem. The Fall issue is available …
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Meet The Poisons In Your Food
5 years ago

Meet The Poisons In Your Food

The naked motto is, know the food you eat, and eat the food you know. This is, unfortunately, a partial list of dangerous poisons found in our food:

Meet Petroleum. …
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GMO Potato Moved To High-Risk List
6 years ago

GMO Potato Moved To High-Risk List

The potato has been added to the High-Risk list of the Non-GMO Project Standard because a GMO potato variety is now “widely commercially available” in the United States. To determine …
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Loma Linda University to offer Plant-based focused PhD in nutrition
6 years ago

Loma Linda University to offer Plant-based focused PhD in nutrition

Loma Linda University School of Public Health will offer a PhD degree in nutrition with an advanced research focus on plant-based nutrition, making it the only doctoral program in nutrition in …
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Pills or Plants? The Hard Facts on Nutrition and Sexual Health
7 years ago

Pills or Plants? The Hard Facts on Nutrition and Sexual Health

The last time I checked, the heart is about 3 feet above the genitals… so what is a cardiologist doing counseling patients on sexual performance?  In the nearly 30 years …
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A New Declaration of Independence
7 years ago

A New Declaration of Independence

On July 4, U.S. Independence Day, we celebrate our nation’s independence from colonial rule. Our liberation from forces that sought to exploit us and keep us down to enhance their …
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Calcium: Plant vs. Dairy
7 years ago

Calcium: Plant vs. Dairy

The number one source of calcium in the standard American diet is dairy products. The number one source of saturated fat, however, is also dairy products. Dairy products also constitute …
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Bone Broth and Magic Beans
7 years ago

Bone Broth and Magic Beans

We are, it seems, unendingly as enthusiastic about dietary magic du jour as ever Jack was about his beans. And now it turns out that we have something else in …
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Conventional vs. Organic Agricultural Methods
7 years ago

Conventional vs. Organic Agricultural Methods


Conventional: Fertilizer runoff pollutes coastal areas and can strip water of oxygen, spur algae growth, and kill marine life.

Organic: No chemical pesticides or fertilizers are applied to organic …
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Soy and Breast Cancer Mortality
7 years ago

Soy and Breast Cancer Mortality

Researchers looked at data from the Shanghai Breast Cancer Survival Study, which involved 5,042 breast cancer survivors between the ages of 20 and 75.  During four years of follow-up, 534 …
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Must-Watch Film: What the Health
7 years ago

Must-Watch Film: What the Health

With heart disease and cancer the leading causes of death in America, and diabetes at an all-time high, the film reveals possibly the largest health cover-up of our time. With …
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Organic Meats Are Not Health Foods
7 years ago

Organic Meats Are Not Health Foods

So-called organic meats are sold as a means for people to reduce their exposure to hormones and chemical toxins. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) states that animals raised …
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Turin To Become Italy’s First “Vegan City”
7 years ago

Turin To Become Italy’s First “Vegan City”

Turin’s new Five Star Movement mayor, Chiara Appendino, presented her new council’s five-year political programme last year, which included plans to reduce the amount of animal products eaten in the …
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Obesity as Disease
8 years ago

Obesity as Disease

There is a certain irony in the nearly immediate juxtaposition of the rare introduction of a new FDA-approved drug for weight loss (Belviq) to the marketplace, and the recognition of …
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Ugly Fruits and Veggies are in!
8 years ago

Ugly Fruits and Veggies are in!

Entrepreneurs outside the grocery industry want to convince shoppers that there’s nothing wrong with cosmetically imperfect produce.

The diameter of each Brussels sprout shall not be less than one inch. …
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Foods for Cancer Prevention
8 years ago

Foods for Cancer Prevention

According to the National Cancer Institute, as much as 80 percent of all cancers are due to identified factors, and thus are potentially preventable. Thirty percent are due to tobacco …
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The Fish Tale of Omega 3s
8 years ago

The Fish Tale of Omega 3s

Well, the common mythology is that in response to anecdotal reports of a low prevalence of coronary heart disease among the Inuit people, Danish researchers Bang and Dyerberg traveled to …
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To Cut Waste, Hamburg Bans Coffee Pods and Plastic
8 years ago

To Cut Waste, Hamburg Bans Coffee Pods and Plastic

A 150-page report released by the city of Hamburg, Germany called the Guide to Green Procurement stated, “Coffee pods cause unnecessary resource consumption and waste generation. Besides plastic, they often …
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How a Plant-based Diet Healed My Body from Multiple Sclerosis
8 years ago

How a Plant-based Diet Healed My Body from Multiple Sclerosis

There was nothing subtle about my first encounter with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). It crippled me from the waist down with painful pins-and-needles and forced me to use a wheelchair to …
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Reality Check: What a World Without Bees Looks Like
8 years ago

Reality Check: What a World Without Bees Looks Like

Bees play a critical role in our food system, pollinating a majority of the foods we eat every day, unfortunately, the pesticides used on many of these crops are killing …
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Mammography is Unjustified
8 years ago

Mammography is Unjustified

The Cochrane review1 on screening mammography and an accompanying editorial2 published in the October 20, 2001 issue of the Lancet have created an emotionally charged stir in the medical business and many responses …
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A GMO label that doesn’t say “GMO”?
8 years ago

A GMO label that doesn’t say “GMO”?

Republicans and Democrats on the U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee have struck a deal that would create the first nationwide standard for foods containing genetically modified organisms.

Under the agreement, consumers …
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California Labels ‘Roundup’ as “Cancer Causing”
8 years ago

California Labels ‘Roundup’ as “Cancer Causing”

Under the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, usually referred to as Proposition 65, chemicals that cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm are required to be …
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Conventional Strawberries Rank #1 With Most Pesticides
8 years ago

Conventional Strawberries Rank #1 With Most Pesticides

Nearly all strawberry samples—98 percent—tested by federal officials had detectable pesticide residues. Forty percent had residues of 10 or more pesticides and some had residues of 17 different pesticides. Some …
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Raising Children On A Plant-based Diet
8 years ago

Raising Children On A Plant-based Diet

I am often asked about raising children who consume a strict plant-based diet. Here are some common questions, followed by my answers.

Q. Do children who are raised on a …
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10 Reasons We Don’t Need GM Foods
9 years ago

10 Reasons We Don’t Need GM Foods

By Claire Robinson, MPhil, Michael Antoniou, PhD, and John Fagan, PhD for the Non-GMO Project

1. GM crops do not increase yield potential

Genetically modified (GM) crops do not increase …
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Best diet for weight loss?
9 years ago

Best diet for weight loss?

A vegetarian dietary pattern may be the most effective for weight loss, according to a meta-analysis published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine. Researchers at Harvard, in conjunction with …
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Muscling Out The Meat Myth
10 years ago

Muscling Out The Meat Myth

The myth took root in the belief that we could get our strength, our agility, and our ability to soar to unimaginable heights if only we consumed the flesh and …
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The Farm Bill: What You Should Know
11 years ago

The Farm Bill: What You Should Know

An interview with Noah Gittell, Director of Government Affairs of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.

Q: For those readers who may not be familiar with PCRM, can you tell …
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Athletes & The Protein Myth
11 years ago

Athletes & The Protein Myth

The biggest misconception is that one can’t build muscle, or get any muscle development without meat and dairy consumption.

I get my protein from beans, nuts, seeds, greens and grains. …
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‘ESCAPE FIRE’: Finding a way out in our disease-care system
12 years ago

‘ESCAPE FIRE’: Finding a way out in our disease-care system

The Facts: – We spend over twice as much as other developed nations per person. Healthcare costs are rising so rapidly that they could reach $4.2 trillion annually, roughly 20% …
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5 Tips For a Non-Toxic Lifestyle
12 years ago

5 Tips For a Non-Toxic Lifestyle

1. BUY ORGANIC! Organic foods have significantly fewer synthetic chemicals plus more nutrients! Healthy plants and animals will help you be healthy too.  Avoid refined sugars, processed foods (especially canned …
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On the Race to Stop Monsanto
12 years ago

On the Race to Stop Monsanto

The scariest part of this story plot is that it’s not science fiction.  Today, pesticide manufacturers are producing 90% of our food, and laboratory made food has become our harsh …
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McCartney: Meat Free Monday to help the planet
12 years ago

McCartney: Meat Free Monday to help the planet

Everything we do, take, eat, or buy has a carbon footprint, and therefore an impact on climate change. Food production is, in fact, a major contributor. Agriculture as a whole …
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