We can give food, health and smiles to those we love with beautiful fresh from the garden (or the farmers market!) healing foods.
Vegetable bouquets or “vegebouquets” are not new. They’ve been used through history in a variety of ways to promote healthy eating and wellbeing.
There are no rules when making a vegetable or fruit bouquet.
What you’ll need:
- Raw veggies and fruit, edible mushrooms, edible flowers, and wild and domesticated herbs.
- BBQ sticks
- Natural thread or cord, ribbon or paper tape to tie all the pieces together
- Natural, plastic and glitter free wrapping paper and ribbon
Simply insert BBQ sticks onto the ingredients. Seal them together with natural cord or paper tape (for zero waste) and then wrap the bouquet with the final wrapping paper. Add a card or note and that’s it.
For optimum food quality, make sure your ingredients are organic and GMO-free! :)