
Naked Planet

Naked Planet: Achieving Sustainability at 360 degrees.

Zero-Waste Pumpkin Carving
2 years ago

Zero-Waste Pumpkin Carving

1. Carve a Pumpkin

Scoop out seeds and strings and place into one bowl. Then use a strong spoon to scrape the walls for the “flesh” that can be used …
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The Red Carpet Goes Green!
5 years ago

The Red Carpet Goes Green!

For the first time in history, the most talented stars in Hollywood enjoyed a completely plant-based dinner during the 77th edition of the Golden Globe awards. The example set …
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GMO Potato Moved To High-Risk List
6 years ago

GMO Potato Moved To High-Risk List

The potato has been added to the High-Risk list of the Non-GMO Project Standard because a GMO potato variety is now “widely commercially available” in the United States. To determine …
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Bike-Riding Harvesters
7 years ago

Bike-Riding Harvesters

Here’s the scoop: several years ago, Chris Castro, a 27-year old from Orlando, Florida, evaluated his hometown and realized that most of the suburban yards around him were overusing water. …
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Conventional vs. Organic Agricultural Methods
7 years ago

Conventional vs. Organic Agricultural Methods


Conventional: Fertilizer runoff pollutes coastal areas and can strip water of oxygen, spur algae growth, and kill marine life.

Organic: No chemical pesticides or fertilizers are applied to organic …
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Nursery Fields Forever: Farming Preschool Would Teach Kids How to Grow Their Own Food
7 years ago

Nursery Fields Forever: Farming Preschool Would Teach Kids How to Grow Their Own Food


A few clever Italians have come up with an amazing proposal, and their design of an innovative nursery school just won them the AWR International Ideas Competition award. Their project, …
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Eating Plant-based During the Winter
8 years ago

Eating Plant-based During the Winter

1. First Thing First.

The key is to stick to seasonal produce as much as possible.  We are going to want potatoes, yams, pumpkins, and tangerines among others.  Sticking to …
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Ugly Fruits and Veggies are in!
8 years ago

Ugly Fruits and Veggies are in!

Entrepreneurs outside the grocery industry want to convince shoppers that there’s nothing wrong with cosmetically imperfect produce.

The diameter of each Brussels sprout shall not be less than one inch. …
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Reality Check: What a World Without Bees Looks Like
8 years ago

Reality Check: What a World Without Bees Looks Like

Bees play a critical role in our food system, pollinating a majority of the foods we eat every day, unfortunately, the pesticides used on many of these crops are killing …
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A GMO label that doesn’t say “GMO”?
8 years ago

A GMO label that doesn’t say “GMO”?

Republicans and Democrats on the U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee have struck a deal that would create the first nationwide standard for foods containing genetically modified organisms.

Under the agreement, consumers …
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Conventional Strawberries Rank #1 With Most Pesticides
8 years ago

Conventional Strawberries Rank #1 With Most Pesticides

Nearly all strawberry samples—98 percent—tested by federal officials had detectable pesticide residues. Forty percent had residues of 10 or more pesticides and some had residues of 17 different pesticides. Some …
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10 Reasons We Don’t Need GM Foods
9 years ago

10 Reasons We Don’t Need GM Foods

By Claire Robinson, MPhil, Michael Antoniou, PhD, and John Fagan, PhD for the Non-GMO Project

1. GM crops do not increase yield potential

Genetically modified (GM) crops do not increase …
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Awesome Foods That Regrow Themselves From Scraps
9 years ago

Awesome Foods That Regrow Themselves From Scraps

Eating well can be expensive. Buying produce that is either organically grown, local, biodynamic, or non-gmo, is unfortunately, not easy to find or inexpensive. Nonetheless, ingesting pesticide residue is not …
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McCartney: Meat Free Monday to help the planet
12 years ago

McCartney: Meat Free Monday to help the planet

Everything we do, take, eat, or buy has a carbon footprint, and therefore an impact on climate change. Food production is, in fact, a major contributor. Agriculture as a whole …
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