

Naked Wellness & Fitness

Are your candles making you ill?
3 months ago

Are your candles making you ill?

Most candles contain lead, plastics, parabens, synthetic dyes, and phthalates, all known toxins and carcinogens.
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Diseases of Affluence 3,500 Years Ago
6 years ago

Diseases of Affluence 3,500 Years Ago

For many years, Dr. John McDougall has called conditions like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, “diseases of affluence.” Only the affluent can afford to eat the rich Western diet with …
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Foods for Cancer Prevention
8 years ago

Foods for Cancer Prevention

According to the National Cancer Institute, as much as 80 percent of all cancers are due to identified factors, and thus are potentially preventable. Thirty percent are due to tobacco …
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How to Eat Right to Reduce Stress
8 years ago

How to Eat Right to Reduce Stress

Not only that, but stress can drive up our blood pressure and raise serum cholesterol levels, wreaking havoc on our arteries and increasing our risk of heart attack.

The best …
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Detox Vitamin Water
9 years ago

Detox Vitamin Water

Whether you’re trying to lose weight or you simply want to feel and stay healthier, one of the best ways to rid your body of harmful toxins is to drink …
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7 Reasons to live naked
11 years ago

7 Reasons to live naked

The World Health Organization has determined that dietary factors account for at least 30 percent of all cancers in Western countries and up to 20 percent in developing …
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4 Tips For Happy Hormones
12 years ago

4 Tips For Happy Hormones

Do you feel imbalanced? Do you have depression, anxiety, hot flashes, night sweats, bipolar disorder, migraines, insomnia, PMS, or chronic pain? As a naturopath, with 10 years experience, I believe …
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5 Tips For a Non-Toxic Lifestyle
12 years ago

5 Tips For a Non-Toxic Lifestyle

1. BUY ORGANIC! Organic foods have significantly fewer synthetic chemicals plus more nutrients! Healthy plants and animals will help you be healthy too.  Avoid refined sugars, processed foods (especially canned …
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Redefining the Wellness Paradigm
12 years ago

Redefining the Wellness Paradigm

Health is not cultivated in one day. Nor is illness. We don’t suddenly wake up well or succumb to sickness.  Life, illness and wellness is a journey we cultivate. Our …
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