
Global Warming

Turin To Become Italy’s First “Vegan City”
8 years ago

Turin To Become Italy’s First “Vegan City”

Turin’s new Five Star Movement mayor, Chiara Appendino, presented her new council’s five-year political programme last year, which included plans to reduce the amount of animal products eaten in the …
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Reality Check: What a World Without Bees Looks Like
8 years ago

Reality Check: What a World Without Bees Looks Like

Bees play a critical role in our food system, pollinating a majority of the foods we eat every day, unfortunately, the pesticides used on many of these crops are killing …
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McCartney: Meat Free Monday to help the planet
12 years ago

McCartney: Meat Free Monday to help the planet

Everything we do, take, eat, or buy has a carbon footprint, and therefore an impact on climate change. Food production is, in fact, a major contributor. Agriculture as a whole …
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