
Naked Lifestyle

Are your candles making you ill?
3 months ago

Are your candles making you ill?

Most candles contain lead, plastics, parabens, synthetic dyes, and phthalates, all known toxins and carcinogens.
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Zero-Waste Pumpkin Carving
2 years ago

Zero-Waste Pumpkin Carving

1. Carve a Pumpkin

Scoop out seeds and strings and place into one bowl. Then use a strong spoon to scrape the walls for the “flesh” that can be used …
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How old is the ‘fresh’ produce we eat?
2 years ago

How old is the ‘fresh’ produce we eat?

If you’ve ever gone fruit or vegetable picking, you know there’s just something special about plucking the fruit straight from the tree and sinking your teeth into fresh juicy produce. …
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Daily Meditation: The Ten Precepts and the Bodhisattva Vow
3 years ago

Daily Meditation: The Ten Precepts and the Bodhisattva Vow

A daily practice of meditative inner listening is fundamental to maintaining a reliable foundation of receptive awareness that supports us in living our life authentically in a world that relentlessly …
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The Human Microbiome
4 years ago

The Human Microbiome

The largest numbers of organisms are found in the small and large intestines but also throughout the body, brain, blood, and skin. The microbiome is labeled a supporting organ because …
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The Role of Nutrition in Immune Health 
4 years ago

The Role of Nutrition in Immune Health 

An “activated” immune system further increases the demand for energy during periods of infection, with greater basal energy expenditure during fever for example. Thus, optimal nutrition for the best immunological …
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Understanding Immune Defense
4 years ago

Understanding Immune Defense

Our environments have many threats including potentially damaging molecules therefore the immune system represents a survival interface managed by a complex and particular system of organs, tissues, cells, and signaling …
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Vitamin D Deficiency and Immune Response
4 years ago

Vitamin D Deficiency and Immune Response

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for human health. The following is a short summary of what it is, how much we need, how it works, and how its deficiency …
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The Red Carpet Goes Green!
5 years ago

The Red Carpet Goes Green!

For the first time in history, the most talented stars in Hollywood enjoyed a completely plant-based dinner during the 77th edition of the Golden Globe awards. The example set …
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Naked Interview: Jason Mraz
5 years ago

Naked Interview: Jason Mraz

He is an exemplary individual whose greatest abilities are not found at the music store shelf, but expressed through every one of his words. His messages become songs, and not …
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The Evolution Beyond The Revolution
5 years ago

The Evolution Beyond The Revolution

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the difference between revolution and evolution.  This conversation is part of The Food Revolution Summit, which is put on by The Food Revolution …
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Meet The Poisons In Your Food
5 years ago

Meet The Poisons In Your Food

The naked motto is, know the food you eat, and eat the food you know. This is, unfortunately, a partial list of dangerous poisons found in our food:

Meet Petroleum. …
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Diseases of Affluence 3,500 Years Ago
6 years ago

Diseases of Affluence 3,500 Years Ago

For many years, Dr. John McDougall has called conditions like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, “diseases of affluence.” Only the affluent can afford to eat the rich Western diet with …
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Pills or Plants? The Hard Facts on Nutrition and Sexual Health
7 years ago

Pills or Plants? The Hard Facts on Nutrition and Sexual Health

The last time I checked, the heart is about 3 feet above the genitals… so what is a cardiologist doing counseling patients on sexual performance?  In the nearly 30 years …
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Holiday Gift Guide 2017
7 years ago

Holiday Gift Guide 2017

Fashion & Wearables

Hemp Tailors  |  HoodLamb

  • Why we love them: The advanced eco-treatments ensure pure comfort and total protection from the cold along with beautiful and fashionable design.
  • Sustainability: 100% vegan. …
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A New Declaration of Independence
7 years ago

A New Declaration of Independence

On July 4, U.S. Independence Day, we celebrate our nation’s independence from colonial rule. Our liberation from forces that sought to exploit us and keep us down to enhance their …
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No more Diets: The Secret to Permanent Weight Control
7 years ago

No more Diets: The Secret to Permanent Weight Control

Many people believe that to lose weight they must go on a low-calorie diet. That often means starving oneself until the diet is no longer tolerable. Other people believe that …
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Bone Broth and Magic Beans
7 years ago

Bone Broth and Magic Beans

We are, it seems, unendingly as enthusiastic about dietary magic du jour as ever Jack was about his beans. And now it turns out that we have something else in …
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Taste Bud Rehab
7 years ago

Taste Bud Rehab

A study published online in the journal Archives of Disease in Childhood indicates that obese children and adolescents, as compared to their lean counterparts, have less sensitive taste buds.  The …
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Eating Plant-based During the Winter
8 years ago

Eating Plant-based During the Winter

1. First Thing First.

The key is to stick to seasonal produce as much as possible.  We are going to want potatoes, yams, pumpkins, and tangerines among others.  Sticking to …
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Dr. McDougall’s 10 Favorite One-Liners
8 years ago

Dr. McDougall’s 10 Favorite One-Liners

We live in a world of witty one-liners and sound bites, which I find useful for conveying my dietary messages. I suggest that people keep repeating them over and over …
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8 Veggies To Grow Indoors This Winter
8 years ago

8 Veggies To Grow Indoors This Winter

You can still grow your fresh, organic, and hand-picked vegetables on a shelf in your kitchen, in a garden shed, or even in your basement if you have the right …
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Holiday Gift Guide 2016
8 years ago

Holiday Gift Guide 2016

The main pitfall to avoid is anything made with a toxic or animal-derived ingredient, including candles that are made with beeswax or emit toxic fumes), or beauty products made with …
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Foods for Cancer Prevention
8 years ago

Foods for Cancer Prevention

According to the National Cancer Institute, as much as 80 percent of all cancers are due to identified factors, and thus are potentially preventable. Thirty percent are due to tobacco …
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The Fish Tale of Omega 3s
8 years ago

The Fish Tale of Omega 3s

Well, the common mythology is that in response to anecdotal reports of a low prevalence of coronary heart disease among the Inuit people, Danish researchers Bang and Dyerberg traveled to …
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How to Eat Right to Reduce Stress
8 years ago

How to Eat Right to Reduce Stress

Not only that, but stress can drive up our blood pressure and raise serum cholesterol levels, wreaking havoc on our arteries and increasing our risk of heart attack.

The best …
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How to Fix Panic Disorder
8 years ago

How to Fix Panic Disorder

Once you have had a single panic attack, it is very likely that you will have multiple attacks, and this problem might persist forever unless you break the pattern. The …
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Plant-based Diets for Children: Right from the Start
8 years ago

Plant-based Diets for Children: Right from the Start

Children raised on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes grow up to be slimmer and healthier and even live longer than their meat-eating friends. It is much easier to build …
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Conventional Strawberries Rank #1 With Most Pesticides
8 years ago

Conventional Strawberries Rank #1 With Most Pesticides

Nearly all strawberry samples—98 percent—tested by federal officials had detectable pesticide residues. Forty percent had residues of 10 or more pesticides and some had residues of 17 different pesticides. Some …
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Awesome Foods That Regrow Themselves From Scraps
9 years ago

Awesome Foods That Regrow Themselves From Scraps

Eating well can be expensive. Buying produce that is either organically grown, local, biodynamic, or non-gmo, is unfortunately, not easy to find or inexpensive. Nonetheless, ingesting pesticide residue is not …
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Best diet for weight loss?
9 years ago

Best diet for weight loss?

A vegetarian dietary pattern may be the most effective for weight loss, according to a meta-analysis published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine. Researchers at Harvard, in conjunction with …
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Detox Vitamin Water
9 years ago

Detox Vitamin Water

Whether you’re trying to lose weight or you simply want to feel and stay healthier, one of the best ways to rid your body of harmful toxins is to drink …
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Muscling Out The Meat Myth
10 years ago

Muscling Out The Meat Myth

The myth took root in the belief that we could get our strength, our agility, and our ability to soar to unimaginable heights if only we consumed the flesh and …
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Addictive By Design: Junk Food
11 years ago

Addictive By Design: Junk Food

I almost joined Michael Moss, the Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times journalist whose work on addictive junk food recently graced the cover of the paper’s magazine, on MSNBC’s Morning Joe
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Becoming Heart Attack Proof
11 years ago

Becoming Heart Attack Proof

Here are the facts. Coronary artery disease is the leading killer of men and women in Western civilization. In the United States alone, more than half a million people die …
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Athletes & The Protein Myth
11 years ago

Athletes & The Protein Myth

The biggest misconception is that one can’t build muscle, or get any muscle development without meat and dairy consumption.

I get my protein from beans, nuts, seeds, greens and grains. …
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Protecting your pal from the big C
11 years ago

Protecting your pal from the big C

Cancer can affect both young and old dogs. Cancer is now the No.1 cause of death in canines. Although most cancers, once found, are difficult to stop, cancer is an …
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7 Reasons to live naked
11 years ago

7 Reasons to live naked

The World Health Organization has determined that dietary factors account for at least 30 percent of all cancers in Western countries and up to 20 percent in developing …
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4 Tips For Happy Hormones
12 years ago

4 Tips For Happy Hormones

Do you feel imbalanced? Do you have depression, anxiety, hot flashes, night sweats, bipolar disorder, migraines, insomnia, PMS, or chronic pain? As a naturopath, with 10 years experience, I believe …
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The Plant-Based Athlete Demystified
12 years ago

The Plant-Based Athlete Demystified

The notion of a vegetarian or vegan athlete still seems to bring to mind bewilderment, controversy and general skepticism. Scientific evidence has revealed the benefits of a plant-based diet on …
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5 Tips For a Non-Toxic Lifestyle
12 years ago

5 Tips For a Non-Toxic Lifestyle

1. BUY ORGANIC! Organic foods have significantly fewer synthetic chemicals plus more nutrients! Healthy plants and animals will help you be healthy too.  Avoid refined sugars, processed foods (especially canned …
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Redefining the Wellness Paradigm
12 years ago

Redefining the Wellness Paradigm

Health is not cultivated in one day. Nor is illness. We don’t suddenly wake up well or succumb to sickness.  Life, illness and wellness is a journey we cultivate. Our …
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Killer Performance Smoothie
12 years ago

Killer Performance Smoothie

Here is a killer performance smoothie recipe for both men and women that will give you stamina and energy, while improving your physical and emotional well-being at the same time. …
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