
About John McDougall M.D.

John McDougall, MD is a board-certified internist, author of 11 national best-selling books, the international on-line 'McDougall Newsletter', host of the nationally syndicated television show 'McDougall M.D.', and medical director of the 10-day, live-in McDougall Program in Santa Rosa, CA. He is an Associate Professor at the Touro University College of Osteopathic Medicine, Vallejo, CA. His latest book 'The Starch Solution', proves that a starch-rich diet can actually help you lose weight, prevent a variety of ills, and even cure common diseases. Dr. McDougall is a collaborator and a member of the Board of Advisors of Naked Food Magazine.
Latest Posts | By John McDougall M.D.
Dr. McDougall’s 10 Favorite One-Liners
8 years ago

Dr. McDougall’s 10 Favorite One-Liners

We live in a world of witty one-liners and sound bites, which I find useful for conveying my dietary messages. I suggest that people keep repeating them over and over …
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Mammography is Unjustified
8 years ago

Mammography is Unjustified

The Cochrane review1 on screening mammography and an accompanying editorial2 published in the October 20, 2001 issue of the Lancet have created an emotionally charged stir in the medical business and many responses …
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Sunny Days, Skin Cancer, and Vitamin D
9 years ago

Sunny Days, Skin Cancer, and Vitamin D

Have you ever wondered how something as natural and omnipresent as sunlight could hurt you?  Over eons of evolution (or by Divine creation, if you choose) people have been exposed …
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8 Things You Didn’t Know About Starch
12 years ago

8 Things You Didn’t Know About Starch

1. All large populations of trim, healthy people, throughout verifiable human history, have obtained the bulk of their calories from starch. Examples of once-thriving people include Japanese, Chinese, and other …
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