How do we build a healthy microbiome? Fiber is the answer. The fiber in vegetables and fruits, and particularly, the fiber in starchy vegetables help build the probiotic "good" bacteria in your intestine and body.
1. All large populations of trim, healthy people, throughout verifiable human history, have obtained the bulk of their calories from starch. Examples of once-thriving people include Japanese, Chinese, and other Asians eating sweet potatoes, buckwheat, and/or rice; Incas in South America eating potatoes; Mayans and Aztecs in Central America eating corn; and Egyptians in the Middle East eating wheat.
2. Starches are nutritionally complete supplying all the energy, protein, essential fats, and minerals a child or adult needs. People, and even large populations, have lived for long periods of time on “all potato diets.”
3. Overweight, type-2 diabetes, inflammatory arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and common cancers (breast, colon, and prostate) are unknown in populations of people who get the bulk of their calories from starches.
4. Starches are clean. They do not grow human pathogens like salmonella, E. coli, or mad cow prions (animal foods are filthy with these organisms). Starches, being lowest on the food chain, have the lowest levels of environmental chemical poisons (pesticides, herbicides, methyl mercury, etc.)
5. Winners of all endurance races (marathons, triathlons, bicycling, etc.) “carbohydrate load,” which means they are primarily starch-eaters.
6. Men and women following diets based on grains, legumes, and starchy vegetables have accomplished most of the great feats in history. The ancient conquerors of Europe and Asia, including the armies of Alexander the Great (356 – 323 BC) and Genghis Khan (1162 – 1227 AD) consumed starch-based diets. Caesar’s legions complained when they had too much meat in their diet and preferred to do their fighting on grains.
7. The longest living populations on planet Earth today live on starch-based (low-animal food) diets. These include people from Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; Nicoya, Costa Rica; Ikaria, Greece; and the Seventh Day Adventists in Loma Linda, California, who live in what are called the “Blue Zones.”
8. The most effective diets ever used to cure people of common day illnesses, like coronary heart disease, type-2 diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, arthritis, and obesity minimize animal foods and require people eat the bulk of their calories from starches, including grains, legumes, and potatoes (foods forbidden to Paleo eaters). Medical giants in starch-based diet-therapy, include Walter Kempner MD, the founder of the Rice Diet at Duke University; Nathan Pritikin; and Roy Swank MD, founder of the dietary treatment of multiple sclerosis at Oregon Health & Science University.
* Examples of common starches are rice, corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and beans.
May 30, 2016
well…it was kinda hard for me to adapt my eating habit …lots of confusion with Vegan Diets..Fasting im only 21 and live in i started watching Dr McDougall’s videos and now i live a healthy life with starch..i love potatoes..pasta..vegies and fruits.. most interesting thing is that i hate animal products now :| i dont know why..i loved them before..but i hate them now…
November 19, 2013
@Richard Snouffer, MD
Dear colleague, maybe, you’re confusing a STARCH based diet then, is a way of life with, an extremly diet, alike the ONLY potatoes diet. First, let me tell you, as a riflection, then we DIDN’T eat for vitamins, or protein or whatever but, for gain calories. The STARCH based diet is the HUMAN diet and, is not only potatoes but, alike the healthy populations in the world, is a VEGAN diet then, alike in the asian countrys, pose a STARCH food is the center of them diet, and add some vegetables and fruits. Those people, gain, the most, of them calories from starch foodies and, are healthy, fit and strong. I live in China, from many years atleast and, one i’ve adopted them life style, i loose weight, i feel strong and heatly.
November 11, 2013
So thankful for Dr. McD and all of his experience and wisdom. His information has helped so many cure themselves from devastating diseases. When you study his most recent information, which you can read by purchasing his newest book, The Starch Solution, or find on his website and his YouTube videos, you will see that the true paleo diet actually was starch-based and that our DNA proves that humans are designed to eat a diet centered around starch.
I am a female, am middle-aged, and was ill with all kinds of auto-immune and nutrient-malabsorption issues. That was 21 months ago. Now I am a successful, energetic, healthy, competitive Crossfit athlete. I can lift more weight than most men I know. I can do pullups. That’s right. I am a woman, and I am strong, fit, and muscular, and I eat no animal products whatsoever. You should see my muscles too. I can’t believe it myself sometimes. That’s all fine and good and fun, but I am most thankful for my health. My blood test results, including cholesterol, blood sugar, and nutrient levels, all come back perfect. When I was eating a lot of animal protein, my blood tests showed me low in protein.
I am a shining example of how the perfect diet (whole foods, plant-based, starch-based, low fat) can give you perfect health and I will be forever thankful to Drs. John McDougall, Caldwell Esselstyn, Neil Barnard, Tom Campbell, and T. Colin Campbell, PhD. for that gift.
November 9, 2013
God bless Dr. McDougall. I have been following him since 1987, when I heard him on Detroit talk radio on “Ask The Doctor” with Dr. Leonard Portner on WXYT – AM radio. His wisdom and advice never fail !!
November 8, 2013
The one thing he’s wrong about is the Mongolians eating a starch-based diet. They lived mostly on lamb meat and milk. They were also overweight, infertile, and arthritic:
November 8, 2013
Interesting assertions. As a person who became type 2 diabetic despite being low risk I have some knowledge about this. I cured my diabetic problem by going low carb high protein for about a year. If I eat a lot of starch it comes back, precisely the opposite of what you assert. I test my blood glucose reguarly and have confirmed this through “official” blood testing. Also, my lipid panel went back to the normal range with good Chol being higher than bad Chol. Please explain how this is in terms of your advocation of a high starch diet.
November 8, 2013
Dr. McDougall and his tribe are angels among us :)
November 8, 2013
I find it completely curious that the research invested in this article makes no mention of or reference to the entire continent of African, the birthplace of all mankind. With civilization beginning in African, surely there was food cultivation, harvesting and mastery of diet optimizing that should have been included here.
November 8, 2013
Dr. McDougall has made an impact on my family. This article summarizes all of the major teachings in his videos and books. This is the way we live now and it has never been this easy to stay healthy and lose weight (after decades of struggle and progressive weight gain). Thank you for all you have done to help me regain my health as well as that of my family.
November 8, 2013
Maybe Dr. MacDougall should actually TREAT someone who is on an “all potato diet.” They may survive for a while, but NOT in any kind of good health at all. They experience MANY vitamin and mineral deficiencies. I am partly of Irish heritage, and stories still come down through my family of the ravages that “all potato diets” did to the health of our family’s forebears.
Has Dr. MacDougall ever heard of Protein Calorie Malnutrition? It is a SERIOUS and WIDESPREAD problem in undeveloped areas of the world where starches like rice and potatoes are the main form of nutrition. I learned about it in medical school. It’s basic stuff.
About the only point above that is in full conformity with THE TRUTH is point #5. Yes, endurance athletes DO carbohydrate load, because they need the extra energy. However, to the VAST majority of humans who are not fiendishly burning them up every day, excess carbohydrates cause obesity, increased bad cholesterols and triglycerides, cardiac disease, strokes and cancers.
If starches are so good, why is it that, when put on a low simple carb/moderate complex carb diet (which eliminates things like corn, rice, potatoes and wheat and gets moderate amounts of complex carbs from peas, beans, lentils and NON-starchy vegetables):
1) people’s bad cholesterols go down, their good cholesterols go up?
2) blood glucose goes down, Hgb-A1c goes down, and measures of oxidative stress and insulin resistance improve?
3) high blood pressure improves?
4) weight normalizes?
5) rates of heart attack and stroke go down?
6) rates of MANY different cancers go down? (Hint on this one: Cancers MUST use sugar for energy. Starches are converted directly to massive amounts of SUGAR as the body processes them.)
November 8, 2013
Richard, you make nice points but you back it up with nothing. You simply rattle off statements. The seeing is believing. These countries and groups of people who have been raised on starch based diets don’t know what heart disease is, have no clue as to what diabetes is either. Kidney disease, high blood pressure and obesity are non existent. The human body does not turn carbohydrates into fat easily at all and just by looking at the human anatomy we see that it was designed to be a starch seeking as well as a vegetarian eating organism. Again, forget about anything anyone says, The proof is what you have seen in the healthy trim people that live their entire lives devoid of disease, Cancers need protein to become what they are, which is a massive overgrowth of cells.
November 8, 2013
Prove it.
McDougall’s claims are all* in PubMed, including the Willcox paper on the Okinawa diet (thousands of subjects) and other starch-eating populations, the Ornish diet studies showing reversal of CVD, prostate cancer, etc., Esselstyn’s CVD reversal, Barnard’s T2D reversal, and on and on.
Moreover, there are papers debunking virtually every claim the low-carb camp makes about metabolism, e.g. showing zero de novo lipogenesis from starch consumption (even at ridiculous levels like 500g in a single meal), a non-insulin mediated pathway for fat storage (ASP), the mechanism by which high fat consumption causes insulin resistance (GLUT-4 inhibition) and low-fat reverses it, etc. etc. etc.
This is all in mainstream journals like NEJM, Lancet, Am J Cardiology, and others.
Where are your sources? No more speculations about Paleo Man. Let’s see a peer-reviewed paper showing ANY population ANYWHERE living into its 90s and 100s on low-carb, or a low-carb Ornish who reversed CVD or diabetes or cancer and documented the reversal with follow-up angiograms, PSAs, imaging showing tumor regression, etc. Anything beyond temporary, trivial weight-loss (which has also been done with Twinkie diets and Beer & Brats diets). Anything of actual medical significance.
I am so sick of low-carb QUACKS spouting this crap on the Internet and claiming to be backed by science. Do the actual research to prove your claims or SHUT UP because your misguided advice is HURTING PEOPLE.
* except for potatoes providing complete nutrition. That’s obviously false because of B12, if nothing else.
November 8, 2013
To Dr. Snouffer:
It is tough to view an educated Dr. use poor netiquette by “shouting” with capital words. I learned this in graduate school as an inappropriate and unacceptable behavior, and it is unnecessary. I would love to hear Dr. Snouffer’s alternative diet to Dr. McDougall (not MacDougall). For the most part he just attacked, like a politician, without offering any alternative plan.
The proof of this diet is in my life. I use to have cholesterol of 295, I was pre-diabetic, I weight 240 pounds, and had high blood pressure. The starch-based diet, after 2 years, took my total cholesterol down to 140, I was no longer pre-diabetic, I lost 100 pounds, and my blood pressure is lower than the normal American on the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) Also I feel young and energetic. Additionally, it has revived my sex life and my abilities to run my hard labor, construction company. I shut the company down because I could no longer work that hard labor. Now it is re-opened and I am happier and healthier than ever running it again this time (on the diet), and am making more money than in 23 years of running it! I have so much energy left over after work, sex, and play that I went back to school and finished my undergraduate degree, and began—and I finish—my graduate degree on December 17, 2013. This diet is the fountain of youth, and is available to anyone who has the discipline to place plant food in his or her mouths, especially starches!!
Thank you Dr. McDougall for saving the quality and quantity of my life!!!
March 18, 2015
Hello rex, i was wondering can u help me out on what your diet plan because im 21 and prediabetic plus hypoglycemic. Plz help
Thank you
November 8, 2013
Dr .Snouffer with all due respect let me tell you, you sound like every MD who graduated from med school from the USA . But if you really think harder you would see for yourself that we are really in serious problems hear in america. We consume way to much empty carbs and simple sugar. The diet you impose how many of your patients actually stuck to it and had such a drastic health improvement like those in Dr. Mcdougall so before you criticize look around you. Dr. Atkins what did he die from a massive heart attack I though his diet is super. What about others who preach the same way and their own health is in jeopardy.
A piece of advice why don’t you visit his website email him , he responds time is amazing.
good luck
November 8, 2013
I’ve been influenced by Dr McDougall the last ~20 years. His own website is full of great information and many videos can be seen of him on Youtube.
I don’t think I can say thank you enough to this wonderful man.
November 8, 2013
Thank you for this information. I always loved starches best and was not fond of animal products. I always thought it was the starches that made me overweight, but it was actually the animal products. I’m vegan now and at the best weight I’ve ever been, eating the best food I have ever eaten. I just wish I had known this 30 years ago.
November 8, 2013
What about all the GMO corn these days?
October 19, 2015
To ensure nonGMO, buy organic.
November 8, 2013
Great post, how do I make the potato in the photo?
November 5, 2018
Hi Tracy, that is called a “hassleback” potato, you can actually purchase a cutter to do the job for you or carefully slice rows without cutting through the bottom of the potato. The appearance of rings will occur after cooking/baking. Good luck.
August 14, 2013
Awesome post!
July 30, 2013
Dr. McDougall
I began following your regimen and bought your first book and have reread it four times, have switched to your dietary program. I have been ill for over a decade with MS, scleroderma, RA and diabetes and progressively going downhill until this past February I was confined to a wheelchair my arthritis had made it impossible to bear any weight on my feet, just flexing them was excruciating. My doctors, all 8 of them just kept giving me more drugs and more insulin, I had gain 100 pounds in less than a year, was constantly hungry and felt terrible..I basically ate no starches, less then 20 grams per day, never potatoes, rice or pasta or bread. I was in so much pain and so discouraged I found your book online and have never looked back. I have lost 20 pounds in two months, base my diet around potatoes, two big ones every day, I crave them actually, combine with many vegetables, little fruit, seasonings, no fats…am hopeful as I lose even m ore weight and cleanse my body, my blood pressure will return to normal, I have not had blood work for high cholesterol but feel that will improve and my kidney function as well. I do not miss the animal proteins at all, the one day I did eat some chicken I felt ill the next morning and will not go there again. I have also found a local internist who is vegan and promotes diet over drugs. I had often asked all of the specialists I saw about diet, they seemed happy I was on the diabetic low carb diet even though I was still sick….so, that being said, when I read my optimal health again I will be a poster hag for your protocol. Blessing to you and all the health care professional who are on the right track and so willingly sharing it with us in dire need.
July 30, 2013
My hubby and I have followed the Starch Solution by Dr. McDougall for over a year now. Hubby has gone from 250 to 170 and I have gone from 165 to 140 and both of us feel better than every and never were hungry!
March 27, 2013
So happy to see starches not getting a bad wrap for a change!
October 17, 2012
This article is a great help to me! Thank you!
October 7, 2012
People generalize starch to be all bad and fattening – whole grains are super healthy and plant foods are great. Thanks for the post.
October 5, 2012
Thank you for sharing your article I’ve been following the plant based diet for 4 years now and I feel better than ever. My grand kids are already getting better at choosing the right foods by themselves.
September 12, 2012
Exquisite, love starch! ;-)
September 12, 2012
Doctor McDougall is great, already bought his new book
September 12, 2012
I wanted to thank you for the amazing site you have created here. Love the design and will buy the magazine when it comes out!
September 12, 2012
Your articles are so good. After browsing your blog I have benefited greatly. Looking to transition into a vegetarian diet.
September 9, 2012
Quality information. People are bound to find this nutritional information really important. I had no clue on some of the things you mentioned. Thanks!