
plant-based diet

Health Status and the Role of Nutrition on SARS-CoV-2 / Covid-19
4 years ago

Health Status and the Role of Nutrition on SARS-CoV-2 / Covid-19

The vast majority of cases in China — 87% — were in people ages 30 to 79, the China Center for Disease Control reported In February of 2020, based on data from …
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A New Declaration of Independence
7 years ago

A New Declaration of Independence

On July 4, U.S. Independence Day, we celebrate our nation’s independence from colonial rule. Our liberation from forces that sought to exploit us and keep us down to enhance their …
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No more Diets: The Secret to Permanent Weight Control
7 years ago

No more Diets: The Secret to Permanent Weight Control

Many people believe that to lose weight they must go on a low-calorie diet. That often means starving oneself until the diet is no longer tolerable. Other people believe that …
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Dr. McDougall’s 10 Favorite One-Liners
8 years ago

Dr. McDougall’s 10 Favorite One-Liners

We live in a world of witty one-liners and sound bites, which I find useful for conveying my dietary messages. I suggest that people keep repeating them over and over …
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Foods for Cancer Prevention
8 years ago

Foods for Cancer Prevention

According to the National Cancer Institute, as much as 80 percent of all cancers are due to identified factors, and thus are potentially preventable. Thirty percent are due to tobacco …
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How a Plant-based Diet Healed My Body from Multiple Sclerosis
8 years ago

How a Plant-based Diet Healed My Body from Multiple Sclerosis

There was nothing subtle about my first encounter with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). It crippled me from the waist down with painful pins-and-needles and forced me to use a wheelchair to …
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Plant-based Diets for Children: Right from the Start
8 years ago

Plant-based Diets for Children: Right from the Start

Children raised on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes grow up to be slimmer and healthier and even live longer than their meat-eating friends. It is much easier to build …
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Plant-based diet: 8 Million Lives, $1 Trillion in health care, 70% reduced emissions
8 years ago

Plant-based diet: 8 Million Lives, $1 Trillion in health care, 70% reduced emissions

A landmark study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has found that a plant-based diet would prevent more than eight million deaths, reduce carbon emissions by 70 percent, and help save up …
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Raising Children On A Plant-based Diet
8 years ago

Raising Children On A Plant-based Diet

I am often asked about raising children who consume a strict plant-based diet. Here are some common questions, followed by my answers.

Q. Do children who are raised on a …
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Plant-Based Diets Best for Breast Cancer Survival
9 years ago

Plant-Based Diets Best for Breast Cancer Survival

A plant-based diet may prove best following the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer, according to a review published in The Permanente Journal. Researchers investigated long-term lifestyle choices and their …
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Reversing Colon Cancer With Food
9 years ago

Reversing Colon Cancer With Food

In 1970, British physician Dennis Burkitt observed that a high-fiber diet reduces diseases of the digestive tract. He observed that in countries where diets are high in fiber (that is, …
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Muscling Out The Meat Myth
10 years ago

Muscling Out The Meat Myth

The myth took root in the belief that we could get our strength, our agility, and our ability to soar to unimaginable heights if only we consumed the flesh and …
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The True Fight Against Breast Cancer
11 years ago

The True Fight Against Breast Cancer

Women are terrified of breast cancer, and unfortunately, the cancer industry uses that fear to motivate women to agree to get mammograms. Women are told that the key to a …
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The Pursuit of Nakedness
11 years ago

The Pursuit of Nakedness

It seems we’re always in the pursuit of something.  Life, work, family, and relationships are all part of our existence.  They are also the foundation and a reflection of who …
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Naked Recipe: Stuffed Peppers
11 years ago

Naked Recipe: Stuffed Peppers


Recipe Type: Naked! Low fat, Whole Food, Plant-based, Vegan, Organic, Non-GMO, Sustainable.

Approved for: Diabetes, Cancer, Heart Disease, High Cholesterol, Weight Loss, Athletics, Optimum Health.

Free of: Animals, Eggs, …
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The Benefits Of A Plantiful Pregnancy
11 years ago

The Benefits Of A Plantiful Pregnancy

Your diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding will influence your baby’s taste for foods when solids are introduced. Another benefit of optimal nutrition is that you will be in great shape …
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Zucchini + Brown Rice Summer Tapas
11 years ago

Zucchini + Brown Rice Summer Tapas

Recipe type: Naked! Low fat, Whole Food, Plant-based, Vegan, Organic, Sustainable.

Approved for: Diabetes, Cancer, Heart Disease, High Cholesterol, Weight Loss, Athletics, Optimum Health.

Free of: Animals, Eggs, Dairy …
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Athletes & The Protein Myth
11 years ago

Athletes & The Protein Myth

The biggest misconception is that one can’t build muscle, or get any muscle development without meat and dairy consumption.

I get my protein from beans, nuts, seeds, greens and grains. …
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7 Reasons to live naked
11 years ago

7 Reasons to live naked

The World Health Organization has determined that dietary factors account for at least 30 percent of all cancers in Western countries and up to 20 percent in developing …
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McCartney: Meat Free Monday to help the planet
12 years ago

McCartney: Meat Free Monday to help the planet

Everything we do, take, eat, or buy has a carbon footprint, and therefore an impact on climate change. Food production is, in fact, a major contributor. Agriculture as a whole …
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