How does this gorgeous True Blood superstar vampire live the naked lifestyle? Here is her advice on how to stay fit, healthy, and beautiful.
1. I work very hard on my health. I think it is incredibly important what you do with, and put in your body every day. I eat an organic plant-based diet and avoid GMO’s (genetically modified organisms) which are most non-organic corn, soy, canola and cotton (cottonseed oil). To learn more watch the movie GMO OMG. (Trailer Below)
2. I see a nutritionist to check my blood yearly so I can keep a look out for any warning signs that I need to change something I’m doing.
3. Exercise is crucial. I walk the dogs, do elliptical and a cardio barre class. I’m also starting tennis lessons!
4. I’m working on enjoying the moment more and laughing as much as I can. My acting teacher used to say, this isn’t a dress rehearsal and he was right. This moment is all there is.
5. I drink tons of green tea which I hear is good for me. Thank God, because I love it.
September 19, 2014
Kristin is gorgeous and it seems she knows how to care her body health. Love her work in True Blood, i’ll miss her :/. Plant-based diet is eat clean and health worth!