

How old is the ‘fresh’ produce we eat?
2 years ago

How old is the ‘fresh’ produce we eat?

If you’ve ever gone fruit or vegetable picking, you know there’s just something special about plucking the fruit straight from the tree and sinking your teeth into fresh juicy produce. …
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Delicious (and easy!) Valentine’s Dinner
3 years ago

Delicious (and easy!) Valentine’s Dinner

Colorful, beautiful, delicious, and healthful. Oh and it’s easier than it looks and very rich in flavors. Here is a 4-course dinner that will help create some great moments. Roll …
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The Red Carpet Goes Green!
5 years ago

The Red Carpet Goes Green!

For the first time in history, the most talented stars in Hollywood enjoyed a completely plant-based dinner during the 77th edition of the Golden Globe awards. The example set …
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Bean Stew / Frijolada
5 years ago

Bean Stew / Frijolada

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Turin To Become Italy’s First “Vegan City”
8 years ago

Turin To Become Italy’s First “Vegan City”

Turin’s new Five Star Movement mayor, Chiara Appendino, presented her new council’s five-year political programme last year, which included plans to reduce the amount of animal products eaten in the …
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How a Plant-based Diet Healed My Body from Multiple Sclerosis
8 years ago

How a Plant-based Diet Healed My Body from Multiple Sclerosis

There was nothing subtle about my first encounter with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). It crippled me from the waist down with painful pins-and-needles and forced me to use a wheelchair to …
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Plant-based Diets for Children: Right from the Start
8 years ago

Plant-based Diets for Children: Right from the Start

Children raised on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes grow up to be slimmer and healthier and even live longer than their meat-eating friends. It is much easier to build …
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Plant-based diet: 8 Million Lives, $1 Trillion in health care, 70% reduced emissions
8 years ago

Plant-based diet: 8 Million Lives, $1 Trillion in health care, 70% reduced emissions

A landmark study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has found that a plant-based diet would prevent more than eight million deaths, reduce carbon emissions by 70 percent, and help save up …
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Raising Children On A Plant-based Diet
8 years ago

Raising Children On A Plant-based Diet

I am often asked about raising children who consume a strict plant-based diet. Here are some common questions, followed by my answers.

Q. Do children who are raised on a …
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Plant-Based Diets Best for Breast Cancer Survival
9 years ago

Plant-Based Diets Best for Breast Cancer Survival

A plant-based diet may prove best following the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer, according to a review published in The Permanente Journal. Researchers investigated long-term lifestyle choices and their …
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The 13 Most Misleading Food Label Claims
9 years ago

The 13 Most Misleading Food Label Claims

The goal of food industry giants is to create and maintain the consumer completely confused.  Words such as natural, non-gmo, trans-fat free, or kosher don’t mean what we believe.

1. “Non-GMO” does …
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Chipotle says no to serving genetically modified foods
9 years ago

Chipotle says no to serving genetically modified foods

Source: Stephanie Strom, New York Times.

In a first for a major restaurant chain, Chipotle Mexican Grill will be preparing only food that is free of …
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The Farm Bill: What You Should Know
11 years ago

The Farm Bill: What You Should Know

An interview with Noah Gittell, Director of Government Affairs of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.

Q: For those readers who may not be familiar with PCRM, can you tell …
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