

Nursery Fields Forever: Farming Preschool Would Teach Kids How to Grow Their Own Food
7 years ago

Nursery Fields Forever: Farming Preschool Would Teach Kids How to Grow Their Own Food


A few clever Italians have come up with an amazing proposal, and their design of an innovative nursery school just won them the AWR International Ideas Competition award. Their project, …
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Obesity as Disease
8 years ago

Obesity as Disease

There is a certain irony in the nearly immediate juxtaposition of the rare introduction of a new FDA-approved drug for weight loss (Belviq) to the marketplace, and the recognition of …
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Plant-based Diets for Children: Right from the Start
8 years ago

Plant-based Diets for Children: Right from the Start

Children raised on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes grow up to be slimmer and healthier and even live longer than their meat-eating friends. It is much easier to build …
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Raising Children On A Plant-based Diet
8 years ago

Raising Children On A Plant-based Diet

I am often asked about raising children who consume a strict plant-based diet. Here are some common questions, followed by my answers.

Q. Do children who are raised on a …
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The Benefits Of A Plantiful Pregnancy
11 years ago

The Benefits Of A Plantiful Pregnancy

Your diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding will influence your baby’s taste for foods when solids are introduced. Another benefit of optimal nutrition is that you will be in great shape …
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