
plant based nutrition

Loma Linda University to offer Plant-based focused PhD in nutrition
6 years ago

Loma Linda University to offer Plant-based focused PhD in nutrition

Loma Linda University School of Public Health will offer a PhD degree in nutrition with an advanced research focus on plant-based nutrition, making it the only doctoral program in nutrition in …
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Soy and Breast Cancer Mortality
7 years ago

Soy and Breast Cancer Mortality

Researchers looked at data from the Shanghai Breast Cancer Survival Study, which involved 5,042 breast cancer survivors between the ages of 20 and 75.  During four years of follow-up, 534 …
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The Fish Tale of Omega 3s
8 years ago

The Fish Tale of Omega 3s

Well, the common mythology is that in response to anecdotal reports of a low prevalence of coronary heart disease among the Inuit people, Danish researchers Bang and Dyerberg traveled to …
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Naked Food Interview with Kristen Bell
8 years ago

Naked Food Interview with Kristen Bell

Kristen (a vegetarian since age 11) and her husband Dax (ex-carnivore), turned into plant-based eaters after watching the documentary, Forks Over Knives. “It’s more about the health benefits than the …
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Brain Cancer, a Diet Shift, and the Birth of Naked Food
8 years ago

Brain Cancer, a Diet Shift, and the Birth of Naked Food

One day, he woke up with a light headache that wouldn’t go away. We thought it was stress, life, and the need for a vacation! After a couple of weeks, …
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How to Fix Panic Disorder
8 years ago

How to Fix Panic Disorder

Once you have had a single panic attack, it is very likely that you will have multiple attacks, and this problem might persist forever unless you break the pattern. The …
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Plant-based diet: 8 Million Lives, $1 Trillion in health care, 70% reduced emissions
8 years ago

Plant-based diet: 8 Million Lives, $1 Trillion in health care, 70% reduced emissions

A landmark study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has found that a plant-based diet would prevent more than eight million deaths, reduce carbon emissions by 70 percent, and help save up …
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Raising Children On A Plant-based Diet
8 years ago

Raising Children On A Plant-based Diet

I am often asked about raising children who consume a strict plant-based diet. Here are some common questions, followed by my answers.

Q. Do children who are raised on a …
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12 Best Sources of Plant-Based Protein
8 years ago

12 Best Sources of Plant-Based Protein

People have been led to believe that protein is such an essential nutrient that one must actively pursue foods that contain high amounts of it, even when those foods, such …
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Plant-Based Diets Best for Breast Cancer Survival
9 years ago

Plant-Based Diets Best for Breast Cancer Survival

A plant-based diet may prove best following the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer, according to a review published in The Permanente Journal. Researchers investigated long-term lifestyle choices and their …
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Best diet for weight loss?
9 years ago

Best diet for weight loss?

A vegetarian dietary pattern may be the most effective for weight loss, according to a meta-analysis published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine. Researchers at Harvard, in conjunction with …
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Athletes & The Protein Myth
11 years ago

Athletes & The Protein Myth

The biggest misconception is that one can’t build muscle, or get any muscle development without meat and dairy consumption.

I get my protein from beans, nuts, seeds, greens and grains. …
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7 Reasons to live naked
11 years ago

7 Reasons to live naked

The World Health Organization has determined that dietary factors account for at least 30 percent of all cancers in Western countries and up to 20 percent in developing …
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