
breast cancer

Soy and Breast Cancer Mortality
7 years ago

Soy and Breast Cancer Mortality

Researchers looked at data from the Shanghai Breast Cancer Survival Study, which involved 5,042 breast cancer survivors between the ages of 20 and 75.  During four years of follow-up, 534 …
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Mammography is Unjustified
8 years ago

Mammography is Unjustified

The Cochrane review1 on screening mammography and an accompanying editorial2 published in the October 20, 2001 issue of the Lancet have created an emotionally charged stir in the medical business and many responses …
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The Link Between Acne & Cancer
8 years ago

The Link Between Acne & Cancer

Acne is an epidemic skin disease of industrialized countries, reaching prevalence rates of over 85 percent of teenagers. In nearly half of American men and women, acne continues even after adolescence and …
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Plant-Based Diets Best for Breast Cancer Survival
9 years ago

Plant-Based Diets Best for Breast Cancer Survival

A plant-based diet may prove best following the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer, according to a review published in The Permanente Journal. Researchers investigated long-term lifestyle choices and their …
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Naked Smoothie: Pink Anti-cancer Power
11 years ago

Naked Smoothie: Pink Anti-cancer Power

Recipe Type: Naked! Low fat, Whole Food, Plant-based, Vegan, Organic, Sustainable.

Approved for: Diabetes, Cancer, Heart Disease, High Cholesterol, Weigh Loss, Athletics, Optimum Health.

Free of: Animals, Eggs, Dairy & …
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The True Fight Against Breast Cancer
11 years ago

The True Fight Against Breast Cancer

Women are terrified of breast cancer, and unfortunately, the cancer industry uses that fear to motivate women to agree to get mammograms. Women are told that the key to a …
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Casein and Cancer
11 years ago

Casein and Cancer

Many studies, including a 2009 paper available in the National Institutes of Health library, have concluded that consumption of dairy products may be linked to breast cancer.

1.  “Casein, which …
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