
lifestyle medicine

Foods for Cancer Prevention
8 years ago

Foods for Cancer Prevention

According to the National Cancer Institute, as much as 80 percent of all cancers are due to identified factors, and thus are potentially preventable. Thirty percent are due to tobacco …
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The Fish Tale of Omega 3s
8 years ago

The Fish Tale of Omega 3s

Well, the common mythology is that in response to anecdotal reports of a low prevalence of coronary heart disease among the Inuit people, Danish researchers Bang and Dyerberg traveled to …
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How to Eat Right to Reduce Stress
8 years ago

How to Eat Right to Reduce Stress

Not only that, but stress can drive up our blood pressure and raise serum cholesterol levels, wreaking havoc on our arteries and increasing our risk of heart attack.

The best …
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Naked Food Interview with Kristen Bell
8 years ago

Naked Food Interview with Kristen Bell

Kristen (a vegetarian since age 11) and her husband Dax (ex-carnivore), turned into plant-based eaters after watching the documentary, Forks Over Knives. “It’s more about the health benefits than the …
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Plant-Based Diets Best for Breast Cancer Survival
9 years ago

Plant-Based Diets Best for Breast Cancer Survival

A plant-based diet may prove best following the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer, according to a review published in The Permanente Journal. Researchers investigated long-term lifestyle choices and their …
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Best diet for weight loss?
9 years ago

Best diet for weight loss?

A vegetarian dietary pattern may be the most effective for weight loss, according to a meta-analysis published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine. Researchers at Harvard, in conjunction with …
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