It’s a no-brainer. Every Doctor and every Doctors’ waiting room should have a copy of Naked Food magazine.


How about every hospital patient? Yes. Our thoughts exactly.  Get copies for your clinic, hospital, or practice.

Starting with the Summer 2017 issue Naked Food has given out 1500 (500 / issue) brand new copies to doctors around the United States for free. We are covering the cost of the magazine plus the mailing fee. We are aiming to reach out to those who are not aware of the power of plant-based nutrition and lifestyle medicine to deal with preventable, and in many cases, reversible conditions that shouldn’t exist in the first place.

Every copy given has a cover letter from an anonymous patient.  Doctors and patients alike have given us great feedback and our initiative keeps going strong, all thanks to you!

I got 2 copies at my clinic. I started a subscription and an anonymous patient also gifted a subscription to my clinic. The letter got my attention. I definitely read it and even took it home to show my husband and teenage kids. If I were to think of words to describe what I felt after reading the letter, they would be impressed, flattered, grateful.

Bandana Chawla, MD.

Naked Food has been the exception to the rule when it comes to content, execution, values, and mission, and we won’t rest until we change the current status quo. Are you in with us?  Sign your doctor up. **Please do not enter the same doctor twice. Repeated entries will still receive one copy only.

Does your doctor* qualify for a free copy? Check the list below:

  • Addiction Specialists
  • Allergists / immunologists
  • Bariatric Specialists
  • Chiropractors
  • Colorectal Specialists
  • Critical Care Specialists
  • Dentists
  • Dermatologists
  • Dietitians
  • Endocrinologists
  • Family Medicine Specialists
  • Gastroenterologists
  • Geriatric Specialist
  • Gynecologists
  • Hematologists
  • Hospitalists
  • Internists
  • Cardiologists
  • Oncologists
  • Perinatal Specialists
  • Nephrologists
  • Neurologists
  • Obstetricians
  • Optometrists/Ophthalmologists
  • Orthopedics
  • Pediatricians
  • Podiatrists
  • Psychologists
  • Physicians
  • Pulmonologists
  • Rheumatologists
  • Urologists

Here is how to do it:

1. Go to this subscription link and enter promotion code DOCGETNAKED

2. Gather the correct name and mailing address of your doctor. Email is not necessary and your name is not required.

3. Click the Submit Order button.Your order should show $0 cost and no payment is necessary. No strings attached.

Give us a hand…

Please donate so we can continue funding initiatives like these.

Donate To Naked Food