
Whole-oween Green Monsters

Halloween Green_Monsters: Green Monsters: Plant-based, vegan, gluten-free | Naked Food Magazine

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  • ¼ cup organic raspberries, cherries (pitted), or blueberries
  • 2 medjool dates, pitted (optional)
  • 1 organic green apple
  • Juice of ½ organic lemon
  • 8 unsweetened dark chocolate mini-chips or carob nibs for the eyes
  • Pinch of organic nut butter
  • 3 Tbsp. pine nuts
  • 8 vegan marshmallows


  1. In a food processor process the berries and dates to form a paste. Set aside.
  2. Cut out four wedges from the apple from top to bottom from each “side”. Remove the 4 pieces. Slice the apple into quarters making sure the removed wedge is in the center of each quarter slice. Sprinkle with some lemon juice to avoid browning. These would be the monster’s mouths.
  3. Add a teaspoon of berry paste inside each mouth and insert each pine nut from its pointy side throughout the inside borders of the mouth to simulate the teeth.
  4. Attach the chips or nibs to the marshmallows with a dot of nut butter and the marshmallows to the top of the apples with additional dots of nut butter. Serve and enjoy!